Below you will find relevant information to common questions and areas of focus. From financial planning to current events, we hope you find these resources helpful and share with others who may benefit from the same guidance.

Please let us know if there is a subject matter you would like to learn more about. We are always here to be of service.

Woulda Shoulda Coulda


Often in life the simple things are the most important, what we do day to day enjoying our lives surrounded by the people and things we love.  One would never go to their life’s end regretting smelling the flowers, hugging often, laughing loudly, and stopping to ponder the existence of a beautiful butterfly.  Things we “would” have done more had we made time to do so.

Saving Taxes in Retirement – Over the Long Run


It has long been the preference of many professional advisors to advise their clients to keep money in tax deferred accounts if they can and for as long as they can.  The basic idea was to keep the money growing and avoid taxation.  Honestly, we are rethinking that wisdom.